Monday, December 16, 2013

The Godfather. "Its Never Personal....Just Buisness

1. Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening. 
In class we discussed the changing times of cinema.  The use of violence and language was permitted and this was allow for the Godfather.  This movie will go down in history as one of the greatest crime dramas ever mad e and one of my personal favorites.  

2.  Find a related article and summarize the content.

this article makes it clear that "no real film lover is unfamiliar with this movie. Coppola examines the closed-door dealings of Don Corleone (Marlon Brando), a pseudo-benevolent mafia chief who believes, often with guns drawn, that his family comes first"  It also talks about how this movie was the "bible" for other gangster movies that would come along, like Goodfellas, Scarface and Casino. 

3. ) Apply the article to the film screened in class.

Like we discussed in class this article pointed out that this paved the way for other crime movies that would come along.  The use of violnce and laguge was permitted. " The Godfather would go on to become the highest grossing film in motion picture history (at that time), easily outdistancing a southern-fried monolith called Gone with the Wind (1939)." It would also be nominated for 11 Academy Awards, winning Best Picture, Best Actor (Brando), and Best Screenplay (Puzo and Coppola). The film spawned two sequels, and is considered by many people to be the single greatest picture of the 1970s. Certainly, it ranks among the top six or seven works of a masterpiece-heavy decade.

4.  ) Write a critical analysis of the film.

This was one of my favorite movies of all time.  It touched on political, and social issues at that time.  The Mafia was a prevalent force in the late 60's.  The only question i would ask is that would Italian Americans feel like they are being portrayed as violent gangsters?  In all this is a movie that no one should miss, it will go down in history as one of the best.  I would recommend this to anyone who love a good story, dialog , and scenery

( x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class. 

2) ( x ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper. 

3) ( x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text. 

4) ( x ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper. 

5) ( x ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read. 

6) ( x ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography. 

7) ( x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality. 

8) ( x ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper. 

Name: ___Ken Bradley             Date: ___December 16 , 2013__________ 

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